Digital business for a green future - Autenti’s collaboration with the Kwietna Foundation
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Companies operating in the HR industry are one of the popular areas of the Autenti platform application. In the "employee's market" finding a good specialist does not guarantee his/her employment. In many sectors these are often candidates who dictate the terms and conditions of such employment, choosing from among a variety of all the previously submitted offers or prolonging negotiations regarding their cooperation. This is one of the reasons why it is so important not only to select candidates efficiently, but also to submit an offer and sign an agreement which allows for the formal start of cooperation with a given candidate.
For Work Service - a company operating in the field of HR outsourcing - a period of time from finding the right specialist to starting to perform the job is one of the key success factors. The company is one of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe operating in the area of HR outsourcing. It offers its services in Poland and in other 12 European countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia). Every year, it provides employment to 300,000 people. The scale of business operation and the longer process of concluding civil law contracts have not let for effective execution of orders so far.
Our objective in Work Service was to run the signing of civil contracts fully online, without the need to contact our contractor. – says Paweł Wielgus, IT Director, Work Service.
The application of the e-signature provided an opportunity to significantly simplify the process of signing documents, eliminate the physical form of their transmission, and thus mitigate the risk of their destruction or loss. Thanks to the application of electronic document sending, it was also possible to achieve a much higher level of effectiveness in the field of document signing for remote staff ("remote contracts") at work far away from the Work Service units.
The majority of the contract signing process was based on the logistics of documents - their printing, dispatch, waiting for their delivery. These operations did not generate added value, hindering and prolonging the process. Upon agreeing the terms and conditions with contractors, their relevant contracts were prepared in an electronic form. Then came all the stages related to the logistics of documents: printout of agreed content, dispatch of documents to contractors to sign them, collection of signed documents in the branch, forwarding them to the central office, and finally - also to the archives. However, this was not the end of the story. A concluded contract could be settled only after verifying the completeness of its documentation.
Prior to the integration with Autenti, the process of circulation of paper documents and signature of civil-law contracts in Work Service was very extensive. Of course, it also generated a whole range problems and costs related to keeping it in this mode. – adds Paweł Wielgus.
The simplified process had to fulfil additional requirements. One of the most relevant issues to be resolved referred to the integration of the platform with the so-far operating ERP system and adjusting it to the Work Service ecosystem. Thanks to this solution, the electronic signing of civil law contracts in Work Service could become an applicable standard. For this purpose, the Autenti API was implemented which contains the method specification which allows for the shipment or signing a contract by its sender.
Technical integration was not any problem. This is a simple, well-defined process based on standard technical solutions (publicly available API). The feature of the integration of our ERP systems with the ready-made Autenti platform and API has convinced us to start our cooperation. – adds Paweł Wielgus.
The Autenti platform enables to sign documents by means of electronic signature from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Documents to be signed are sent to the e-mail address provided by a given Contractor. Thanks to this, its signer has access to the contract at any time and place; signing it requires pressing the "Sign" button only. Upon a given document is signed by all parties, its Autenti Certificate is created which contains information about the entire process of signing this document - who signed it, when it was signed and how the identity of its signer(s) was verified.
We know that the Autenti platform guarantees our compliance with the law, complete impartiality and, in the event of disputes, evidence in the form of Autenti Certificates. It lets us to focus on our business. The issue of e-signatures is left in the hands of specialists who know it very well. – adds Paweł Wielgus from Work Service
The implemented solution allowed for significant simplification of the process, completely eliminating all the stages related to the logistics of documents. Upon they are prepared, they are now sent via Autenti to the contractor and signed by both parties to the contract, i.e. the customer and the contractor. Upon all e-signatures are collected, the completeness of all the documentation verified and the Contractor may proceed with its order. As a result, the time needed to sign civil law contracts was reduced by 70% and the execution of orders could be accelerated to the satisfaction of contractors. The risk of documents being destroyed or lost has been completely eliminated. Back-office costs related to the preparation and handling of such documents were also significantly reduced.
In spite of the full range of relevant benefits, the introduction of this new solution also leads to a new type of challenges, mainly in reference to Work Service's customers and contractors.
For our contractors, trust in electronically signed documents is one of the key issues. We build this trust through the ease of use and proper communication, while at the same time offering our Customers services they have not been provided so far. Here I think primarily about the functionality of storing and archiving contracts in an electronic form on the Autenti servers, being available to contractors 24 hours a day. – concludes Paweł Wielgus.
Lidia Zagórska
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