15 benefits of contract management: general, niche, and industry-specific
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Using electronic signatures in business relations is gaining traction all the time, but not all entrepreneurs are convinced of this type of business process optimization. The greatest potential to leverage e-signature are companies from the SME sector since they are the most flexible and most effectively introduce changes in their operations. If you are an entrepreneur and wondering how electronic signatures can help improve your business, check out these six big benefits that will help you achieve this!
The biggest - and the most obvious - benefit of using an electronic signature in a company is saving time. Up to 70% of documents on Autenti are completely signed on the exact same day. It is especially apparent in the case of small companies, where, on the one hand, all formalities are completed, but on the other hand, any lulls are strongly felt. In this context, the electronic signature would be a great improvement in the company. Above all, it will significantly reduce the time from agreeing to the terms of the contract up until the beginning of its completion.
All of this is because electronic signatures do not require a personal meeting between interested parties, it does not require lengthy correspondence, as well as a long waiting time. The Autenti platform lets you quickly conclude a contract that was previously prepared and start the service or delivery of goods immediately. The same applies to potential annexes, clarifying provisions or changing them. It is simply enough to agree on the document’s wording. Their mutual approval should take no more than a few moments.
The second benefit results directly from the first. After all, time is money. If you use an electronic signature you can save money on multiple levels. First off, touching on what we have already discussed – you can start by completing the contract faster and immediately reap the benefits of the company's operations. A delay or lull period most often results in wasted opportunity.
If documents are exchanged via correspondence, then you save on shipping costs. A one-time postage payment or courier fee is from several to several dozen zlotys, depending on the speed of the shipment or the recipient's verification. For a single document, this fee might not be that much, but if there are more contracts to sign, the sum usually turns out to be significant, even on a monthly basis. Similarly, it takes time and costs to deliver documents personally to partners.
You can select various types of subscriptions that generate immediate savings on the Autenti platform. Freelancers, people running small businesses or entrepreneurs who want to familiarize themselves with Autenti’s operation can use the 14 days Trial, which offers the complete possibility to use electronic signatures for business relations. You can set up a Trial account on the registration page.
Autenti is available via smartphone, tablet or laptop. Documents can be sent and signed from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access. Our users praise the speed and convenience with which they can send documents for signature. The entire process from preparing, sending and signing a document takes place in one tool and in one „go”. There is now no need to print, order a courier, or fill out forms. Everything is all in one place and is much faster. Up to 80% of documents sent via Autenti are sent for signature within 5 minutes. How long does it take for your company to prepare a document to be sent and then for it to be received by the contractor?
The electronic signature pretty much lets you eliminate paper use. The document catalog, which includes nearly 120 different types, can be processed because of the e-signature on the Autenti platform. This means that all of these documents can be stored digitally and are just as legitimate as their physical counterparts. First of all, this saves space. There is no need to keep cabinets full of binders with documents in the office space.
The second aspect revolves around categorization and finding older documents. Theoretically, even in paper form, they should be arranged by type and in chronological order. In practice, however, this is rarely possible, and finding a document even from a few months ago requires a lot of searching. The digital collection of documents translates into order and easy access at any time. Additionally, thanks to the document search engine you can easily and quickly find the documents you are searching for.
A positive image of even a small company is extremely important and greatly facilitates the acquisition of lucrative contracts or valuable partners. Using electronic signatures and encouraging partners to do so may be one of the components of an innovative company’s image that effectively moves through the possibilities offered by modern technology. It is worth noting that despite the easy access to electronic signatures it is still not a widely used practice.
Using electronic signatures should also arguably be used for ecological reasons. This aspect of business activity is appreciated more and more by both business partners, customers and consumers. Saving paper, printing only what is absolutely necessary (e.g. so-called depaperization), and minimizing the use of unnecessary transport for documents are all main environmental benefits that positively affect the company's image.
Like a mantra, the phrase digital transformation has been used for many years and continues to be repeated. Nevertheless, it seems that this process is a bit slower than it is generally believed to be. Regardless of this fact, it is worth being at the forefront of this change so that you have the opportunity to gain an advantage while the competition is trapped under a sea of papers.
On the other hand, a well-known saying asserts that by standing still you only move backwards. A company that does not want to optimize its processes may soon find themselves at the back of the line. Very often, the problem is not the quality, the price of products or the services provided, but instead the rigid procedures and a lack of flexibility, which may ultimately make it very difficult to operate and attract new business partners and contractors.
It is also worth remembering that small and medium-sized enterprises in this respect have the advantage over large companies, where changes take place at a much slower pace. It seems that some type of inertia exists there, for example, it takes a longer time from the moment of implementing a change to actually feeling the effects of it. Digital transformation is the perfect occasion for promising companies to reach a whole new level, such as winning more lucrative and ambitious contracts, looking for more reputable partners, and delivering larger quantities of the product.
The electronic signature alone will not make the company modern, flexible and ready to take on bigger challenges. However, it will certainly be one of the elements that will contribute to the possibility of giving you an advantage over the competition.
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Mateusz Kościelak
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Mateusz Kościelak
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Mateusz Kościelak
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