How to create an electronic signature: 6 methods explained step-by-step
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Sharing with you the stories of co-operation with our clients and revealing, how electronic signature has changed their way of doing business, is slowly getting into our blood. Today, it’s time for telling a story, how Autenti has met Kredytmarket on its way. We want to reassure you that it was a business agreement from the first… signing! But let’s leave it for a minute. Right now, we would like to present you our client. Kredytmarket is Internet financial platform, which grants online short-term loans for business activity. Even though the company is present on the market since December 2016, it already has managed to win over the trust of people and supply to hundreds of micro-entrepreneurs several dozen million zlotych, mainly companies representing the e-commerce sector, as well as medicine doctors, nurses and freelancers.
Kredytmarket offers financing mainly to small Polish businesses. Company founder and its CEO, Aleksander Widera – practitioner with multiannual experience in financial sector – from the beginning was of the opinion that in the XXI century the concluding of a loan for a small entrepreneur should be done 100% online. And that’s the way that he devised his product. However, soon enough life has verified his ideally planned scenario. Apart from loan agreements, there has appeared the necessity for concluding supplementary agreements with clients, e.g. settlements, confirmations of loan repayment, and many other. Then, Widera started to look for new solutions.
One can make an attempt to consider all cases of interactions with client, which require an agreement form. But what for? A much better idea has turned out to be the co-operation with Autenti, the team doing away with tonnes of paperwork, transposing contractual relationships into a world of user-friendly digital technology – has told us Aleksander Widera.
The meeting of Kredytmarket and Autenti was effected at the Warsaw-based Google Campus. Both companies found themselves in the first 10 of young Polish technological companies invited to take part in the Google Residency programme. The teams representing both companies rapidly reached mutual understanding.
Colleagues from Autenti we have come to get to know during a prestigious acceleration programme organised by Google – recalls Widera. – We were seating desk to desk, and this closeness meant that one day in the morning we have come to share with each other our challenges. The end result was such, that already in the afternoon Kredytmarket was signing online the first document with one of the clients. There was no need for printing, scanning and sending the scan by email, or waiting for return scan from the client. We have saved an hour’s time on a single document. That’s not all, it has turned out that our client – himself engaged in small e-commerce business – from first contact was enraptured by the process of concluding contracts with the help of the Autenti solutions.
Thanks to good first experiences in co-operation with Autenti and after hearing favourable opinions of own clients, Aleksander Widera has decided to implement the solution in his own company in a full scale. Thanks to using the online platform, it has turned out to be rapid and straightforward.
The process of implementation of Autenti is very simple. – reassures Widera – We are making use of the self-service version, so there is really nothing special to implement, all that is needed is to log in, send, and sign!
For the creator of Kredytmarket, very important aspect constituted security of Autenti service and trust, which he invested in our company’s team. These two advantages meant that he did not hesitate in deciding on rapid commencement of co-operation.
The most significant thing, of course, apart from the simplicity of solution, was for us the question of security. – reveals Kredytmarket’s CEO – Web security is the issue which can be discussed over and over again, for weeks. As regards myself, I was convinced by the experience of Autenti team. That Grzegorz Wójcik (Autenti CEO) in his career used to be part of the Allegro’s management board, and Michał Tabor (Head of Research) is an expert not just in Poland, but also on European scale, was for me a guarantee of satisfactory co-operation. I have no doubt that for me these were the facts favouring Autenti.
Thanks to the trust invested in us by the Kredytmarket CEO, we have managed to build with his company’s aid an excellent business relationship. We have made the life of yet another company easier, and that company in return has achieved the satisfaction of its clients. Isn’t it just that, what it’s all about in business?
Today we cannot imagine working without Autenti – says Widera. - Every time when we are to sign with anyone – a worker or a business partner – documents, we try to do this just with the help of Autenti. Of course, there happen to be partners who are “in love with paperwork”. Unfortunately, it’s still the XIX-century legacy of bureaucratic documenting getting another life here, but even though the simplicity of the Autenti process serves to convince even clients such as these.
We hope that after reading this text, you also got round to the electronic signature offered by Autenti. For those of you, who want to expand their knowledge in this respect, we very much recommend the article: 6 benefits, which firms can reap from Autenti electronic signature>>>
Lidia Zagórska
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