How to create an electronic signature: 6 methods explained step-by-step
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Electronic documentation is not so popular in Poland, but a company that wants to change that has just been launched.
Autenti, which started operating on 23 September, is the first Polish online document exchange and authorisation platform. The website is the brainchild of Grzegorz Wojcik, an experienced internet entrepreneur, created together with Lukasz Rzepecki, Tomek Plata and Bartosz Wojciechowski. Wojcik is known as the co-creator of internet projects, such as,, Allegro and
The Auenti online tool was created at the cost of about 1 million US dollars (some 777,000 euro), with 1.6 million zloty (about 382,000 euro) coming from EU funds.
Electronic signature has been available in Poland for years, but it has still not become popular. Wójcik claims that the reason is the lack of useful, modern tools.
On the Autenti website, there is no need to present a government-issued certificate. Users only have to register to start using the service.
A company may have an account with several users, for example the CEO, CFO, chief accountant and any other people who need to check and sign a document before it goes out of the firm. Wojcik told business daily Puls Biznesu that he does not expect all customers to start using the full functionality of the service at one. “We expect some users to still print their agreements and sign them manually,” he said. “I'm however convinced that thanks to us the electronic formula will gain popularity,” Wojcik added. The businesman adds that necessary security features have been implemented in the service. “Documents sent through Autenti are coded, we do not have access to them,” he stressed.
The company plans to add new language versions to its website in the first quarter of 2015, in order to be able to offer services in all 28 EU countries.
Tomek Plata
Przedsiębiorca, pasjonat marketingu produktowego i nowych mediów. Z wykształcenia ekonomista, absolwent studiów MBA, od blisko 20 lat związany zawodowo z rynkiem mediów. Pracował w RMF FM, Radiu Eska i Grupie Onet. W latach 2008–2013, jako dyrektor działu online w TVN SA, kreował strategię spółki w obszarze online oraz odpowiadał za jej realizację. Twórca platformy wideo oraz wielu serwisów internetowych. Od 2013 roku współzałożyciel Autenti. Gospodarz audycji “Biznes bez Lukru”, w której wraz z uznanymi przedsiębiorcami tworzy wzór spełnionego, zarówno prywatnie, jak i zawodowo, człowieka.
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