How to create an electronic signature: 6 methods explained step-by-step
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The main benefits that our clients experience using Autenti are - saving time, money and the convenience of our e-signature platform. Thanks to our solution, customers also increase the effectiveness of sales activities. We are going to share with you how this goal is implemented by the Warsaw School of Japanese Language.
The Warsaw School of Japanese Language (WSJJ, website: has been operating since October 2011 and conducting Japanese language courses in the form of individual, group and online classes. WSJJ also organizes trips to Japan combined with language learning. An increasing number of school’s clients and interest in e-learning made the standard process of document circulation prolonged and tiring. The WSJJ's archive soon began to burst at the seams.
All of our efforts are focusing on effective learning processess and customer satisfaction. We strive to minimize administrative functions. I was looking for a e-signature solution that would reduce the number of paper documents and improve the process of their archiving. - said Monika Zachaj, director of WSJJ.
The implementation of Autenti allows to effectively conclude contracts for the provision of teaching services between a language school and an individual or a business client, without the need to print even one sheet of paper.
To conclude a contract WSJJ’s clients had to sign documents at the school’s headquarters or send them signed via mail. Unfortunately, there were times when some customers did not appear on the agreed date or did not send back documents.
Thanks to the Autenti platform, each customer can read the contract and sign it conveniently. Customers do not waste time on visiting our headquarters. They also save money, because there is no need to send any documents in the paper form. For us, this means more effective sales, because more contracts are actually signed at the same period of time. - says Monika.
Contracts are sent to students to their e-mail via Autenti. After opening the document our customer may read its contents and data, and later on sign the document online. It is available for signature at any time and can be signed on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
The growing number of customers also resulted in a growing pile of paper documents. Their archiving and searching through them were causing a serious problem.
The number of paper documents was increasing all the time, and – at the same time - the storage space did not. We had to spend a lot of time searching for a particular contract. Autenti helps us to maintain orderliness in the archive full of contracts. All signed cdocuments are placed in one place and available to grasp at any time for inspection.
The Autenti archive allows its owner to store safely thousands of signed documents. They are available after logging into the user's account. The documents can be downloaded to a local drive, sent by email or uploaded to a network drive.
WSJJ - in addition to contracts with clients - also signs online contracts with lectors. These documents are signed not only with teachers who conduct classes in the school’s headquarters, but also with those who work and conduct classes remotely. Thanks to the use of Autenti, signing documents does not take several days, but only a few minutes.
We have always wanted to cooperate with the best teachers, especially native speakers who can conduct classes online. Now we are quickly finalizing the signing of the contract with the teacher regardless of the place where she/he is staying. That is why the geographical area is not a limitation for us when it comes to the search for lectors. - says Monika Zachaj.
This type of contracts do not have a proprietary form of conclusion, they can be concluded orally, in a written or documentary form. The use of the basic version of Autenti allows for concluding civil law contracts in a documentary form, which is fully sufficient for its effective conclusion.
After the first positive experience with Autenti, WSJJ plans to further expand the usage of the platform for cooperation with subcontractors and suppliers. An important functionality is also the ability to send and sign documents remotely - via tablet or smartphone.
In our offer we've also got trips to Japan. Even when I am abroad with my students, new clients emerge to sign the contract. Thanks to Autenti e-signature platform, I can sign documents with them anywhere in the world, and customers do not even sense my absence. - summarizes Monika Zachaj, director of WSJJ.
We are happy that WSJJ develops its business with a bit of our help. We are sure, that thanks to Autenti, the school is being perceived as innovative and environmentally friendly by its customers.
Lidia Zagórska
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