eLocker Autenti - A revolutionary solution for eDelivery
Krzysztof Trojan
Krzysztof Trojan is Autenti’s Chief Architect. Krzysztof also leads e-Delivery product development, joining his technical expertise with wide legal, compliance and business experience. As an architect Krzysztof is a pragmatic one. Completely immune to hype. One, who will tell you what your problem is, and not make you pay for solving the non-existent. If needed, will argue with you, when it is beneficial for you to be stopped. Krzysztof has no problem admitting he has no clue, and so refuse to develop solutions he cannot make to work. It does not make him easy to work with, but makes his projects successful. Up to the very moment – all of them. Krzysztof did some rocket science, while working for Polish Air Forces, for quite a few years. Switched to banking, some 15 years ago. Since then participated in several large projects, including creating a bank from scratch! Have done major migrations. Owned a middleware product. Migrated several tens of APIs to a new platform. Krzysztof is a recognized Open Banking and Open Data movement contributor.