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How to create an electronic signature: 6 methods explained step-by-step

There are multiple ways to create an electronic signature. From using built-in Google Docs and Google Drive tools, to going for PDF readers, Microsoft Word, and actual e-signature software platforms.

Some require more steps to be completed than others and some offer more advanced digital signing options and more security.

Learn how to create electronic signatures using a method that suits your needs best below in our exact step-by-step guides for 6 methods of e-signing.

Table of contents

1. Simple Electronic Signatures (SES)
2. Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES)
3. Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)
4. Why it’s best to sign with a certified provider, like Autenti

Simple Electronic Signatures (SES)

Simple Electronic Signatures (SES) are the typical e-signature you’ll most-likely use when signing documents online. SES signatures are extremely universal, allowing you to sign 90% of business documents out there.

When signing electronically using SES signatures with a certified provider, like Autenti, you can be sure that your document and the signature will remain safe.

Now, there are different ways to sign documents with SES signatures, some more secure than others, all explained step-by-step below.

Method 1: using Autenti

Autenti is a certified electronic signature provider that makes it extremely easy, but also very secure to sign various documents online.

Autenti is an electronic signature software platform, meaning it’s available entirely online, without the need to install any app onto your device.

To sign a document electronically with Autenti, you’ll simply receive an email with a link directing you to the document you’re asked to sign, and you’ll complete it all online.

To sign a document with Autenti’s SES signature, you:

  1. Open the email sent by Autenti including the information from the sender, read it, and click the "Document" button to then read the whole document.

E-mail (2)

2. The button will redirect you to the Autenti platform where you can read and sign the document. 

Sign (1)

3. Now simply confirm that you've read the document by scrolling down and checking off the appropriate box.

Disclaimers (1)

4. If the sender of the document decides to require additional confirmation of the signatory's verification, via SMS or email code, simply check your email or phone and enter the code in the appropriate field.

SMS code (3)

5. Lastly, go ahead and click the "Sign" button to finalize the signature process.

Sign button (3)


Benefits of signing with Autenti

Signing documents with Autenti gives you several benefits, including:

  • Certified compliance: Autenti is a certified Trust Service Provider under eIDAS regulations, ensuring full compliance with government-set standards. With Autenti, your documents and signatures remain safe and sound.
  • Unlimited flexibility: Autenti does not pose any limits on the number of documents you can sign or the type of e-signature you need, making it a cost-effective solution.
  • Easy to use: no installations required—Autenti works directly in your browser for fast and convenient online document signing. If you choose to do so, you can also access Autenti on a mobile application available on both IOS and Android systems.
  • Simple signing: signing a document takes just a few steps, all carried out following a link delivered to one’s email inbox.
  • Robust security: besides compliance with eIDAS, Autenti is also compliant with multiple security standards, including GDPR and ISO 27001, to ensure your data stays safe.

Choosing an actual electronic signature software to sign documents online, you can be sure that your documents won’t be tampered with thanks to the multiple layers of security and compliance with government-regulated standards, like eIDAS.

Moreover, each signed document contains a Signature Card with Autenti-issued seals for each electronic signature created. This ensures a secure audit trail giving you essential information on each signature added, the timestamps, IP addresses of the devices used, verification methods, and more.

Sign any document online with Autenti and be safe while at it.

Test out Autenti for 14 days, free of charge. Create an account and check just how easy safe signing can be.

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Method 2: using Adobe Acrobat Sign or PDF readers

Adobe Acrobat is an example of a PDF reader that allows you to sign documents using simple SES signatures in the following way:

  1. Open the document you want to sign using Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader that supports electronic signatures.

  2. Sign the PDF file document by following these steps:
  • Choose the "Fill & Sign" button.
  • Click "Add Signature."
  • Choose one of three available signing methods:

I. Simply type your name on the keyboard and have Adobe convert it into an actual signature,

II. Draw your name out using your mouse, touchpad or stylus on a touch screen,

III. Or physically sign a piece of paper and then scan and upload it to Adobe.

3. Then place the signature in the required field, and save the signed document.

Please note that this process is applicable to creating simple electronic signatures (SES) with Adobe. The process of creating more advanced e-signatures, including digital ones that require identity verification differs.

Specifically, to create a digital signature with Adobe you have to choose to sign with a cloud signature using your digital ID certificate provider or sign locally with Adobe Acrobat with a smart card, file-based digital ID, or a USB token, which requires additional steps to be taken.

Benefits of method 2

The benefits of signing with Adobe Acrobat include:

  • Ease of use: the process is simple and intuitive enough, requiring only a few clicks to sign PDFs when choosing simple electronic signatures.
  • Flexibility in signing methods: you can choose from three different options to create your signature—typing, drawing, or uploading a scanned image of your handwritten signature.
  • Convenience for Adobe users: if you’re already an Adobe user, no additional tools or software are needed.

You can compare Autenti and Adobe eSign directly here, but the main difference between the two platforms lies in the number of documents you can sign. In Autenti, the number of documents you can sign is unlimited, while Adobe poses some limits on that number.

Method 3: using Microsoft Word

Believe it or not, you can also create an electronic signature in Microsoft Word.

To do so:

  1. Open your Microsoft Word document and click where you want the signature line to appear. Then, go to the “Insert” tab and click the “Signature Line” option.

  2. A Signature setup pop-up box will appear in which you have to fill out the fields with necessary information, including your:
  • name,
  • title,
  • email address,
  • and instructions for the person signing the document.

In this step, you can also check if you want to allow the signer to leave comments on the signing document and whether or not you want to show the date of signing.

3. Then, to actually create the signature, you’ll have to double click the signature line you’ve added so that the signing popup box can appear.

4. When the sign pop-up box appears, type your name at the X.

5. Lastly, save the signed document as PDF to prevent it from further editing.

Pros and cons of method 3

Pros of signing with Microsoft Word:

  • Fairly simple process: the steps to add and sign a document are pretty straightforward, yet more difficult than signing with Autenti or Adobe Acrobat given the more harsh UI of Microsoft Word.
  • Integration with Microsoft Word: the signing process is built directly into Microsoft Word, which can be a treat for existing users.
  • Customizable signature line: you can customize the basic details of the signature you’re requesting, including the name, title, email address, and signing instructions, as well as add options to show the date or allow comments for signers.


Cons of signing with Microsoft Word:

  1. Requires an active Microsoft Word license: you must have a licensed version of Microsoft Word, which might be a barrier for those without a subscription.
  2. Limited signature features: the method doesn’t include advanced electronic signature options, identity verification, or qualified signatures, making it less suitable for more intricate or sensitive documents.

Method 4: Google Docs

Now, the process described in the previous paragraph is solely applicable to Microsoft Word. To create your electronic signature in Google Docs, you’ll have to complete a different process.

Please note that the Google eSignature tool is only available for those who have a Google Workspace account.

So technically, you won’t be able to create your electronic signature for free since Google Workspace is payable.

Now, if you have an eligible account, you can create an electronic signature in Google Docs by:

  1. Going into a Google doc you want to get signed, creating a new one, or opening a PDF file directly from your Google drive.

  2. You’ll then find the eSignature tool by Google under the “Tools” tab. Click it and choose the “eSignature” option.


💡 If you’re working from a PDF file in your Google Drive, find the menu at the top right of the document and choose “eSignature”.

3. A panel for adding the signature fields will appear on the right side of the edited document.

eSignature (1)

From there, you can add up to 10 signature requirements and additional fields to be completed:

  • Initials,
  • Name,
  • Text field,
  • Date signed.


💡 If you decide to add a text field, make sure to also add a placeholder text of what you require the signer to write in it. Otherwise, the empty field may be confusing for the person signing the document.

4. Once you’ve added all the fields you wish to have on your document, click “Request eSignature” and the document will be sent to the person you’ve requested the signature from, right to their email address. The Google document will be transformed into a PDF version of it.

Request eSignature (2)

💡 Optionally, you can type a message that will be shown to the person you’re requesting the signature from before sending your request.

5. The signer needs to then open the PDF document they’ve received on their email inbox and proceed to sign it.

6. To actually create the signature, you simply need to click on one of the added fields, “Initial”, “Sign”, or “Name”. A signing popup box will appear where you can type the required information so that Google Docs online signature generator can turn it into an actual signature.

Adopt signature (1)

💡 With Google Docs eSignature tool, you can’t draw your signature using a mouse or a touchpad, neither upload an image of a physical signature.

7. If everything looks as you want it to, read the disclaimer provided by Google Workspace, agree to the fact that placing the signature means you’re bound by the terms of the signed document, and click the “Adopt and sign” button.


PDF (1)
8. Next, choose the “Mark complete” button.

9. Finally, read the Terms of Service and confirm that you understand that your name and email address will be shared with those who have access to the signed document. To do that, choose “Agree and continue”.

Terms of service (2)

A copy of the signed document will land in your email inbox. You can then view and download it.

Pros & cons of method 4

Pros of a native tool eSignature by Google:

  • Integration with Google Workspace: eSignature integrates seamlessly with Google Docs and Google Drive, making it convenient for users already working in the Google ecosystem.
  • Flexible signature requests: Google allows you to request signatures from up to 10 people per document.
  • Simple to use: no additional installation is required to use eSignature by Google, and the whole tool is pretty straightforward and intuitive.

Cons of eSignature by Google:

  • Google Workspace account required: to use the eSignature tool by Google, you must have a Google Workspace account, which is not free of charge.
  • No advanced e-signature features: Google’s eSignature does not provide advanced or qualified electronic signatures, making it less suitable for highly secure or legally critical documents.
  • Limited branding options: the lack of advanced branding or customization options might be a drawback compared to more robust e-signature tools, like Autenti.

Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES)

Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) are another type of e-signatures used for a bit more advanced documentation, such as contracts for selling a movable property, co-operation agreements, or lease agreements for a period of up to one year.

AES signatures require signers to complete a simple identity verification process, usually by simply photographing their ID cards and sending it to the e-signature provider for verification.

SES signatures on the other hand verify the person signing the document with a unique code sent to the signer, either by email or phone number to double-check it. Resembling the process of completing a two-factor authentication (2FA).

Below, we’re describing an example process of creating an AES signature with Autenti, step-by-step.

Method 5: AES with Autenti

  1. Click on the link sent to you via email and open the document.

    E-mail (3)

  2. Complete the identity verification process, which may include simply photographing your ID card, taking a selfie, or recording a short video. The ID data is then cross-checked for correctness.

  3. If identity verification comes out successful, proceed to sign the document. Should the verification fail, you’ll be notified.

  4. Next, to authenticate the process, complete a two-step authentication confirming a unique code sent to your phone number.

  5. Finalize the process and review the Signatures & Seals section that displays details from the identity verification process and the whole signing process.


Benefits of method 5

Completing AES signatures with Autenti comes with the following benefits:

  • Enhanced security: recipients undergo a real-time identity verification process, ensuring that only authorized individuals can create their signatures. Moreover, there are additional authorization steps, including 2FA with a unique code sent to the signer’s phone number.
  • Real-time results: The identity verification process delivers immediate results, streamlining the workflow and reducing delays, making creating advanced signatures easy.
  • Transparency: the Signature Card added to each signed document details every important information about the added signatures, even listing IP addresses of the devices used for signing.
  • Ease of use: the process is simple and user-friendly, guiding signers step by step, even for those unfamiliar with e-signatures.
  • Legally compliant: you can be sure that any e-signatures created with a certified online signature provider, like Autenti, meet the legal standards under regulations like eIDAS, making them completely legally binding.

Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)

Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) are the third type of electronic signature, falling directly into the digital signature category.

Digital signatures offer a more advanced way of authenticating the signature itself, either as it is with AES’ ID card verification or as with QES verifying the signer’s identity on a video verification or an in-person meeting.

Choose QES to create your online signature when dealing with more intricate or complex documents, like transferring copyright in a contract of employment.

Now, although QES sounds complicated to be completed, in reality it’s not complex at all when done with an intuitive e-signature software platform.

Method 6: QES with Autenti

Completing a Qualified Electronic Signature may differ a bit depending on the qualified provider or verification method you choose, but an example process of creating a digital signature using Autenti may look like this:

  1. Click on the link sent to you via email to open the document.

    E-mail (3)

  2. Complete the identity verification process with a selected method. You can choose from a video conference or an in-person meeting with the Certificate Authority.


💡 Completing a verification process with a Certificate Authority is often just as simple as joining a work call online.

3. If identity verification comes out successful, proceed to sign the document.

4. Next, to authenticate the process, complete a two-step authentication confirming a unique code sent to your phone number.

5. Finalize the process and review the Signatures & Seals section that displays details from the identity verification process and the whole signing process.

Benefits of method 6

Benefits of creating QES signatures with Autenti:

  • High-level security: Autenti uses robust identity verification methods, such as video conferencing or in-person meetings, ensuring the signer’s authenticity. A two-step authentication with a one-time SMS code adds an additional layer of security.
  • Many QES choices: Signing documents with Autenti’s QES service, you can choose whichever QES provider you find most fitting, from 170+ available across the EU.
  • Ease of use: although creating qualified signatures may seem complex, it’s not with Autenti guiding you through the process. Completing it takes just a few steps.
  • Remote accessibility: the process can be completed remotely via video verification, making it convenient for users in different locations.
  • Efficiency: saves time and resources by eliminating the need for physical document handling or in-person meetings for document signing.

Why it’s best to sign with a certified provider, like Autenti

There are multiple ways to create an electronic signature online and tools you can use to do so.

You can simply scan an image of your signature and add electronic signatures this way, create a free electronic signature with Google Docs, or sign PDF with Adobe Acrobat.

However, a common pitfall for the more simple of electronic signature tools is the fact that more advanced features, such as identity verification or 2FA authentication may not be available, making the process less secure.

Autenti as a Trust Service Provider under eIDAS and a dedicated electronic signature solution combines simplicity of use with advanced security and various e-signing options and features.

You can be sure to get:

  • All types of electronic signatures: from universal SES signatures to more advanced AES and QES signatures for your documents, all under one roof.
  • Various identity verification methods: from video conferences to email codes and ID card photographs, Autenti verifies the identity of the signers in a myriad of ways.
  • Transparency with a clear audit trail: each signed document will contain a dedicated Signature Card with all essential details listed about the signatures submitted. You can easily check the methods used for verification, exact time when each signature was created, and even the IP address of the device used for signing.
  • Legally binding signatures: Autenti is fully compliant with government-set standards, including eIDAS, making sure your e-signatures are completely legally binding. Signature Cards mentioned above ensure that you can also use signed documents as legal evidence in court cases.
  • Additional features: from document folders to notifications about pending documents, Autenti has been builts with e-signing in mind in full focus. 
  • Ease of use: despite offering many features and advanced signing options, Autenti remains extremely user-friendly with an intuitive UI and simple processes.

Signing with a certified provider like Autenti ensures a secure, legally compliant, and efficient experience, giving you confidence in the authenticity and validity of your documents.

Use electronic signatures for your digital documents with Autenti and ensure proper security.

Start a free 14-day trial today.