Credit and loans – online, without the need to visit the bank
Purchase in instalments and cash loans – right away, from anywhere, within a few seconds.

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Cash loans and instalment agreements without unnecessary complications
With Autenti, you gain a reliable, fast and safe way to handle cash loans and instalment agreements, which your customers will conveniently sign at a branch or online. Without the necessity to engage your employees in preparing and sending a paper agreement.
The customer completes all formalities while shopping or during the submission of the request for a loan, and signs the agreement on any device with access to the Internet – tablet, phone or computer.

Documents are immediately transferred to the financial institution and the customer for signing with one click. Instead of the employee’s signature, you can also apply an electronic stamp based on a qualified certificate or a qualified electronic stamp.
You will deliver all additional documents – insurance documents, tables of commissions, fees, etc. – to the customer in an e-mail via a downloadable link. Depending on what is necessary you can do this before, during or after signing.
We store documents in encrypted form, without any possibility of interference. We record the whole evidence chain from signing, which protects the interests of both parties of the transaction.

You can integrate the service with your CRM system, website or mobile application.
You can integrate the process of signing loan documents with the system of the remote identification of the customer. You can use your own solution for this purpose or select a solution from the offer of ready identification methods integrated by Autenti within the BROKER ID service.
We make it possible to submit and verify electronic signatures and stamps, while protecting the interests of all parties signing documents.
We provide the possibility to use different types of signatures in one document based on certificates from many suppliers (including qualified ones).
How does it work?
1. Automatic generation of the document
The loan system generates a PDF document and sends it to Autenti through an API.
2. Accession to signing
The document is delivered to the customer through a safe link via e-mail, SMS or adviser. If the process takes place online, the customer can see the document on their device, and when the customer is at the branch, the adviser shows it on their screen.
3. MARKING necessary consents
The customer marks the required declarations and consents.
4. Signature authorisation
They then authorise the signature by entering the OTP 6-digit code received in an SMS.
5. Affixing the bank stamp
Autenti, on behalf of the bank or financial institution, automatically affixes an electronic stamp.
6. Receipt of the signed document
The signed document is transferred to the customer and the financial institution.
Documents handled within the process
- Declaration on accuracy of data
- Loan request
- Loan agreement
- Insurance declarations
- Table of fees and commissions
- Information forms
- Consents and declarations of spouses
Customer Story
Ikano Bank handles 100% of loan documentation online
We also work, e.g., for
BNP Paribas i Bank Pocztowy
"We came up with the idea to use the Autenti platform when we wanted our Customer not to have to go to our customer service point within the process of requesting a cash loan. Before its implementation, we carried out tests. In our opinion, the Autenti platform allows the execution of an agreement in a simple manner that is understandable for the Customer’"
Frequently asked questions
Which documents can I handle through Autenti?
You can handle and sign the following types of documents:
- Declaration on accuracy of data
- Loan request
- Loan agreement
- Insurance declarations
- Table of fees and commissions
- Information forms
- Consents and declarations of spouses
Does my customer incur any fees for the service?
No, there are no costs on the part of your customers. The customer does not have to create an account on the platform or buy any additional services.
Can I verify electronic signatures outside of the platform?
Yes, the signature can be checked and verified in external tools and in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
On what devices can the customer sign an agreement?
Autenti operates on all devices connected to the Internet. It can be a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
What is necessary to carry out the whole process?
- Obtaining the customer’s data online or at the branch.
- Automated verification of the identity or identification by the bank employee.
- Signing the request.
- Signing the agreement.
Does Autenti take into account the order of signatures required by my bank?
Yes, in the case of opening joint bank accounts with the imposed specific order of applying signatures, Autenti will take care of carrying out the process according to the order determined by the sender.
What does evidence from the loan process look like?
After each completed process, apart from the signed document, Autenti delivers the set of documents from the process which we can transfer through API to the financial institution. We can also submit them to the customer in a simplified form – as a PDF file. The document contains information about data used in the process (telephone number, e-mail addresses), document checks, IP and time of sequentially performed operations.