Confirm the customer's identity with an electronic signature
This is a method of identity verification that uses a person's qualified signature or a trusted profile.
Identity confirmation features with
an electronic signature
Check out the features of electronic signature verification and learn about its benefits.

Quick and efficient process
It is enough for the client to sign the document and upload it to the BROKER ID platform.

Excellent accessibility
More and more people have a qualified certificate or use a trusted profile, which makes it easy to complete a verification.

Easy verification
It is enough for the client to sign the document and upload it to the BROKER ID platform to obtain the information you need.
Get the information you need
Check out what information you can obtain by confirming an identity with an electronic signature
Downloaded information
- Name
- Last name
What does the identification process look like?
Signature with a Trusted Profile
invitation to the identification
downloading a document for signature
signing a document on the e-PUAP platform
uploading a document back to the BROKER ID platform
transfer the obtained information
Qualified signature
invitation to the identification
downloading a document for signature
signing the document with your qualified signature
uploading a document back to the BROKER ID platform
transfer the obtained information
invitation to the identification
downloading a document for signature
signing a document on the e-PUAP platform
uploading a document back to the BROKER ID platform
transfer the obtained information
invitation to the identification
downloading a document for signature
signing the document with your qualified signature
uploading a document back to the BROKER ID platform
transfer the obtained information
Also check out other methods for verifying
and confirming identity

Identity video verification
Get information by taking a photo of the ID. And to be more sure, you can also ask for a selfie or video.
Jan Kowalski
19 kwietnia · 6 min
Find out more

Verification with an e-identity card
Obtain document information from the electronic chip during the identification and secure exactly what you need.
Jan Kowalski
19 kwietnia · 6 min
Find out more

Identity confirmation via online banking
You can quickly and effectively confirm a customer's identity with the help of online banking.
Jan Kowalski
19 kwietnia · 6 min
Find out more
Frequently asked questions
What is identity verification?
Identity verification is a process that ensures an individual is who they claim to be during the process where the verification takes place (e.g. setting up an account, onboarding a new employee, renting a car, etc.).
What does identity confirmation look like?
Identity confirmation will depend on the method of electronic identification that you choose.
Where is the identified person’s personal information transferred?
The identified person’s personal information is only transferred to the entity ordering the identification, as well as the identification service provider taking part in the specific process. Personal information verification via Autenti is fully secure.
How long does the identity verification take?
On the BROKER ID platform, identity verification takes 90 seconds on average. If the identification is more complex, then it may take around 180 seconds. Fast, effective and secure identification is our priority.
Is identity verification safe?
Yes! The identified person’s personal information processed via BROKER ID and our identification service providers are completely secure. We use multi-level encryption methods that adhere to the highest security standards. Additionally, we only guarantee safe methods of identity verification via Autenti.
When will I receive the result of the customer identification?
The results are immediately available after the customer has completed the identification process.
Łukasz Zakrzewski
Corporate Sales Team Lead
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