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eDelivery – the next generation of registered letters

Autenti eDelivery is an innovative service for sending registered mail electronically. Autenti eDelivery offers a secure, fast, and intuitive way to send and receive important documents, eliminating the need for traditional registered letters.

What is Autenti eDelivery?

Autenti eDelivery is a qualified electronic delivery service that allows you to send or receive electronic parcels in business, personal, and public administration relations. The service ensures the identification of both the sender and the receiver and generates binding evidence for both parties.

eDelivery guarantees data security and correspondence confidentiality and meets several legal requirements, including European eIDAS standards and the Electronic Deliveries Act of 18 November 2020.

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Who is Autenti eDelivery for?

The electronic form of registered mail is ideal for companies, public institutions, and private individuals who want to manage their electronic correspondence securely and efficiently.

Corporation (2)

Advanced tools for handling company correspondence


eDelivery to various departments under control


Intuitive eDelivery interface

Law (1)
Legal and Consulting

Legally sending confidential documents

Finance and Banking

Highest security in client communication


Sending patient documentation in compliance with GDPR

Academy Autenti-3

Communication with students and administrative processes


Efficient delivery of contracts, terminations, and PIT forms

Tech companies

Support for remote work and fast communication

Debt collection
Debt collection

Accelerated debt collection processes

How does Autenti eDelivery work?

Send an eParcel in a few steps

To access the service, confirm your identity. Then fill in the eParcel details, add a message and attachments, and specify the recipients and their details.

Track the status of your eParcels

To access the service, confirm your identity. Then fill in the eParcel details, add a message and attachments, and specify the recipients and their details.

Obtain process evidence

When the recipient receives the eParcel, you will be notified by email or SMS. You gain evidence of the sending and receiving process, always at hand.


Registered letter vs. Autenti eDelivery


Registered letter

  • You print the document and put it in an envelope. You go to the shipping point and fill out the shipping form with your details and the recipient's details. You pay for the shipment. If you want to receive an SMS notification when the shipment is delivered, you need to pay an additional fee.

  • The letter goes on a journey. Depending on the destination, it takes from one to several days. Unfortunately, delays can occur.

  • The postal operator attempts to deliver it to the specified address. If the recipient is present, the parcel is delivered. Otherwise, the parcel is notified for collection. If not collected within a few days, it returns to the sender.

Without e-delivery - EN

Autenti eDelivery

  • To use the service, both your identity and the recipient's identity must be verified online using one of the identification methods within the BROKER ID tool.

  • Fill in the eParcel details, add recipients, and click "Send eParcel". The eParcel is automatically delivered to the recipient.

  • The recipient can receive the eParcel at any time, even on their phone. When the eParcel is opened, you can be notified by email and SMS. You receive binding evidence of the sending and receiving process.

With e-delivery - EN
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Advantages of Autenti eDelivery

Group 790
Reliability and security

We provide message encryption, which you store in your inbox. Additionally, the identity of the sender and recipient is verified by Autenti, making the delivery process reliable for both parties.

Time and cost savings

Send an electronic parcel with a few clicks. The recipient receives the correspondence immediately after successful delivery.

Group 790-1
Correspondence management within the Autenti platform

To use the service, you do not need an address in the Electronic Address Database (BAE). Access to the Autenti platform is sufficient to send and receive correspondence.

Integration with other providers

Our solution is fully adapted to handle services from other registered electronic delivery providers.

Group 790-2
Use your smartphone

Always when you need it, thanks to a functional and convenient mobile app. Receive email and SMS notifications to stay up to date with the progress of your parcels.

Contact Us

Receive eParcels and verify evidence

Have you received a notification of a pending eParcel and a collection code? You can collect it even without creating an account! Have evidence of sending or receiving from any eDelivery provider? The Autenti Evidence Verifier, meeting Polish Standard requirements, allows you to verify its correctness regardless of the provider.

eDelivery as a part of the Autenti ecosystem

eDelivery is a part of the Autenti platform, creating a trust services ecosystem. In one place, you will find many tools to streamline document flow in your company. Choose the ones you need.

Ecosystem - EN-1


What are e-Deliveries?

Autenti e-Deliveries are the electronic equivalent of traditional registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

Who are e-Deliveries for?

Autenti e-Deliveries are aimed at companies and individuals who can use convenient and secure electronic deliveries. They are legally equivalent to traditional registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

How to start using Autenti e-Deliveries?

Interested in the service? Join the waiting list or schedule a demo with our experts.

What are the costs of e-Delivery?

Much lower than sending correspondence in traditional form! We will inform you about the detailed costs just after the service launch.

Are e-Deliveries mandatory?

The Ministry of Digitalization informs that the obligation to use e-deliveries for the first group of entities comes into effect on 10 December 2023, and includes:ZUS, KRUS, and NFZ;Government administration bodies, local government units;Public trust professions (e.g., lawyers, legal advisors, bailiffs, etc.);New entities registered in CEIDG.Even if you are not in any of the above groups, it is worth using the Autenti e-Delivery service, as it saves your company time and money.
Nawet jeśli nie jesteś w żadnej z powyższych grup, warto skorzystać z usługi e-Doręczeń Autenti, ponieważ wiążą się one z oszczędnością czasu i pieniędzy dla Twojej firmy.

Are letters sent via e-Delivery effective and valid?

Yes. Correspondence sent via the Autenti e-Delivery service is equivalent to traditional registered mail. Autenti generates legally binding evidence from the sending process, which can serve as evidence, for example, in court proceedings. According to Article 43(2) of the eIDAS Regulation, “Data sent and received using a qualified electronic registered delivery service benefit from the presumption of the integrity of the data, the sending of the data by the identified sender, and the receipt of the data by the identified addressee, as well as the accuracy of the date and time of sending and receiving indicated by the qualified electronic registered delivery service.”

Will e-Deliveries replace ePUAP?

Yes. e-Deliveries will take over the tasks of ePUAP and eventually replace correspondence sent through it. Its liquidation is planned for 2029.

Is the e-Delivery service safe?

Yes. The Autenti e-Delivery service meets the requirements of both the eIDAS Regulation and the dedicated service standards, such as: ETSI 319 401, ETSI 319 521, and the public registered electronic delivery service standard. Autenti has implemented and follows best practices related to information security management, such as ISO 27001:2017 or ASVS. Our data protection measures include organizational, physical, and technical safeguards, including the use of a hardware security module (HSM). Additionally, each transaction is confirmed with service delivery evidence, secured with an electronic seal and Autenti timestamp, ensuring their full integrity and evidential power. More information is available in the "Security and Privacy" section.

What does it mean that Autenti e-Deliveries are a qualified service?

The Autenti e-Delivery service is a qualified trust service compliant with the eIDAS Regulation, listed on the trusted list maintained by the National Certification Centre, provided in accordance with the Trust Service Policy. The service undergoes annual compliance audits by an independent certifying body, both with legal regulations and standards such as ETSI 319 521. Additionally, Autenti maintains an Information Security Management System compliant with ISO 27001:2017. More information is available in the Security and Privacy section. As part of providing the e-Delivery service, Autenti uses the services of subcontractors necessary for its proper implementation and other qualified trust service providers:Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd., which provides cloud solutions,Vercom S.A., which provides tools for sending electronic communication,Link Mobility Polska sp. z o.o., which provides SMS communication tools,Asseco Data Systems S.A., which provides the Autenti qualified timestamp.

Interested? Get in touch to stay updated

Let's talk and learn more about Autenti eDelivery.