No cost for the signer
Signing has never been easier. The recipients of your documents bear no costs of signing, and additionally save the time and money that would be spent on post service or courier.

What is this functionality for?
It costs nothing to sign on the platform! Only the sender of the documents pays for access to the platform (unless using the FREE plan). Indicate any number of signers, and they will receive an email with the document to be signed provided by the sender. There is no need to have an account in Autenti or any additional software. The signatures are binding, and each signatory receives the original in an electronic version.
Your benefits
- Sign contracts online, offering the service to your recipients, for no charge.
- The signatories do not bear the costs associated with printing documents, their shipment, and archiving.
- Increase satisfaction and build loyalty among clients and contractors important to you, who appreciate your choices and the express time for signing documents.
- You do not need to create an account on the Autenti platform to sign a document.
How does it work?
The sender of the document can indicate any number of signers of the document, and the signers don’t pay a penny for a legally binding signature. Additionally, signers do not have to create an account or provide any additional information about themselves. All they need is a device with Internet access and a link under which Autenti will make the content of the document available to them.
These functionalities may interest you:
Everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge of digital solutions, can sign a document thanks to Autenti - without the need to install any special application or create an account.
Increase the security of the signed documents by additional verification of signers with a one-time authorisation code sent via a text message.
Use qualified electronic signatures on the platform for documents that require it. Use the qualified signature you have, or order a new certificate at Autenti.
Start signing documents without
leaving your home for free
- one platform, many applications
- all forms of electronic signatures
- economy, speed and comfort
- customer satisfaction guarantee