Digital business for a green future - Autenti’s collaboration with the Kwietna Foundation
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Two dynamic companies operating in the IT services market, CONTMAN and Autenti, have begun their cooperation by jointly implementing initiatives for the digitisation of the HR sector. This venture, which is aimed primarily at representatives of companies carrying out their operations in the HR sector, is betting on digitisation and modernity, calling for the end to wasting paper and generally promoting the „paperless” philosophy. The joining of forces of these two involved partners, both of whom have been successfully operating on the domestic market for many years, is crucial for the success of this project.
We are eliminating paper and shortening formalities to a minimum during the entire journey of working with a candidate who will become an employee. And once they are an employee and associate of the company, this process is also carried throughout the employment relationship - from the moment documentation is submitted for employment, throughout the duration of the employment contract, to its final termination - says Karina Skrzypczak-Siemieniuk, Business Development Director at CONTMAN.
The company that she represents is a leader in the field of consulting and implementation of solutions in the area of document digitisation. As a result of cooperating with Autenti, a platform for signing documents electronically using all types of electronic signatures, including qualified seals, customers can now use unique solutions in the fields of: HR e-archive, employee e-files, outsource scanning of personal files and other employee documentation, document workflow and employee processes, including employment contracts, mandate contracts, B2B contracts and the possibility of creating interactive personal questionnaires as well as sending them for remote completion and the candidate’s signature. The joint solution of Autenti and CONTMAN means that the most popular HR and payroll systems such as TETA, enova365 or Comarch ERP Optima, and ERP XL can also be integrated.
Thus far, HR processes have been associated with paper. This, however, is the past. Even when you need a qualified electronic signature, you can order, create and use it on Autenti in just fifteen minutes. Thanks to this, both you and your colleague can finalise the signatures on documents in just a few moments instead of a few days, as it was before - and without using a single sheet of paper - says Tomasz Plata, CMO & co-founder of Autenti. - Thanks to our cooperation with CONTMAN, the use of the Autenti standard will be even faster and will bring about much more savings - adds Plata.
CONTMAN's cooperation with Autenti is already bringing in its first results. The solutions of both companies are already used by, among others, the firm CCC. Several other projects dedicated to electronic HR processes are in the testing phase and are being implemented in the proof of concept (PoC) model. CONTMAN and Autenti invited the Maruta Wachta Law Firm and the Raczkowski Law Firm to participate in the nationwide “HR without Paper” project.
CONTMAN is a Polish company with over 20 years of experience creating the best Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions. They are leaders in the field of consulting and implementing solutions in the area of digitisation of documents, electronic archiving and document circulation. They employ top-class specialists in the field of business and sales process analysis, customer service, backoffice, and the development and implementation of digital transformations for medium and large enterprises as well as institutions. The company's competencies and experience have been confirmed by numerous references from every sector of the economy. CONTMAN has the necessary economic and technical potential, as well as the qualified personnel to carry out the largest implementation projects.
Autenti is a platform for authorising documents and concluding contracts via the Internet. It is the only solution available on the market in Poland and also one of the first in Europe, thanks to which the processes related to signing documents are fully digitised. Autenti guarantees quick and convenient access to documents and legal authorisation based on European and national regulations. Documents can be authorised on the platform and signed anywhere and at any time. Since its market debut, the company has acquired over 2,000 business clients.
Katarzyna Domagalska
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