Signing documents from outside the platform
Have you received a signed document outside of Autenti for signature? No problem - use the "Autenti Classic" tool on the platform, which will allow you place a qualified electronic signature.

What is this functionality for?
Autenti Classic is a tool for creating qualified signatures in a traditional way, i.e., without adding a visualization in the form of a Signature & Seals card to the document and without automatically sharing it with selected recipients.
Additionally, if you have a qualified certificate on the Autenti platform, create an electronic signature for the document that will produce legal effects equivalent to a handwritten signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulations. You can sign in XAdES or PAdES format (only on PDF files).
Your benefits
- Sign any document without having to send to an e-mail address and without adding the Signature & Seals card.
- Use the Autenti e-signature as a certificate installed on cryptographic cards.
- Unlinke standard solutions, sign documents with signatures of other people already on them.
- Sign documents required by public administration - financial statements, SAF-T, EED, ZUS declarations and others.
How does it work?
After logging in to the Autenti platform, add files for signature inside the Autenti Classic application. Download signed files to your computer or any device.
These functionalities may interest you:
Documents signed on the platform meet the requirements of a durable medium – we guarantee their integrity and full availability. The content of the document you distribute never changes.
Whether you are a smartphone, tablet or laptop user, choose any device with Internet access which you can use to successfully sign the document. You and each of its signatories.
The Signature&Seals Card is a chronological record of the activities performed by the recipients. It comes in an attractive, visual form as the last page, integrally connected to a set of signed files.
Start signing documents without
leaving your home for free
- one platform, many applications
- all forms of electronic signatures
- economy, speed and comfort
- customer satisfaction guarantee