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Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Use multi-factor authentication for even greater security and protection of your data. Choose from several authentication methods available on the Autenti platform to have full control over your account.


What is this functionality for?

Multi-factor authentication is used to secure a platform account from unauthorized access by requiring the user to provide two forms of authentication.

In Autenti, the user can choose the authentication methods and activate them from the platform level.

The available authentication methods are:

  • password,
  • mobile authenticator app, e.g. Google authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, and OTP,
  • authorization using the Autenti mobile application.

This option is free and available to every user of the platform, regardless of the Plan they have.

Your benefits

  • Greater security with an extra layer of protection for your account.
  • Reducing the risk of breaching privacy and data security.
  • Prevent phishing by requiring an additional form of authentication.

How does it work?

There are two ways you can use all three authentication methods simultaneously:

The first way is to log in with one of the three possible factors.

Autenti will ask you to provide one factor (out of three possible) when logging in. You can change the factor at each login step by selecting "Use a different method". Losing the other two will still allow you to log in without the need for an access reset.

The second way is to log in using two of the three possible factors.

When logging in, Autenti will ask you to provide two factors (out of three possible). You can change the factor at each login step by selecting "Use a different method". Losing one will still allow you to log in without the need for an access reset.

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Autenti is entered in the register of trust service providers, thanks to which the services we offer guarantee security and legal recognition.


Documents and the contracts signed by Autenti are legally binding throughout the European Union, which is in line with the provisions of the eIDAS regulation. We also meet the requirements set out in the Polish Civil Code and UOKiK (Office of Competition and Consumer Protection).


Autenti operates in accordance with the GDPR policy and its supervision is performed by the Personal Data Protection Inspector appointed for this purpose. All documents are saved in an encrypted archive.


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