Digital business for a green future - Autenti’s collaboration with the Kwietna Foundation
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The pandemic has been carrying on for many months and has been dynamically changing market realities. This means that more and more businesses are moving online. This is facilitated by, among others, technological progress, digitisation and modern tools that make remote work easier. In order to improve business processes in a company, it is also worth implementing a so-called electronic document flow system.
Electronic document flow system – What is it?
Until recently, it was difficult to imagine signing and archiving documents without access to their physical paper form. Today, however, thanks to modern platforms such as Autenti, all of this is possible. What's more, thanks to innovative solutions such as these, it is also possible to establish an entire electronic document workflow.
EOD, e.g. electronic document flow, improves all processes concerning the administration, management and archiving of a company’s documentation. A system of this type makes possible, for example, the registration and cataloging of documents, as well as being able to transfer them - depending on the needs - for signature or for viewing only. Thanks to this, a company can save its financial resources and space, and employees can use the freed up time for other tasks.
Electronic document flow – Who is it for?
Electronic document flow is a universal solution that can be great for any company, regardless of its size or the industry it is operating in. Keeping records in this format can improve the functioning of all areas in the organisation. Therefore, it is a great system for any enterprise that values efficient work, data security and willingness to use modern tools.
Advantages of electronic document flow
Electronic document flow in companies is becoming more and more popular due to the many benefits that come with it.
Save time
Thanks to EOD, you can forget about piles of documents, invoices or important contracts that are in traditional, paper form. Electronic document flow is not only more ecological, but it also saves valuable time for all employees. Thanks to electronic archiving, you can quickly and easily find the necessary documents as well as send them to other people - without the need to involve additional entities (e.g. post office or couriers) for the entire process. Therefore, in practice, the entire communication process is faster. Documents in electronic form can be easily organised or transferred to the archive with one click.
Save money
Saving money is another reason why it is worth investing in an electronic document flow system in a company. There is no need to pay for their archiving or for sending to recipients. Everything is stored in a secure cloud that you can access at any time of the day or night.
Save space
Even in small companies, there is a need to archive documentation. Up until now, various types of contracts were most often printed, signed by interested parties, then placed in binders and archived in cabinets. In the electronic document flow system, digitisation is the most important - thanks to this, all contracts, contracts and invoices can be formatted as PDF files and be stored safely in the cloud. This method of archiving also has another advantage - connected to the risk of losing documents. In a traditional archive, paper documents can easily get lost, while this problem does not exist in the case of electronic document flow.
Electronic document flow is infinitely safer than the traditional method. First of all, all documentation can be successfully stored in the cloud so that no unauthorised person has access to it. For example, the servers used by the aforementioned Autenti platform are located in the European Union, which means that their management is subject to restrictive European law. Only authorised users of the platform can use the advanced, encrypted archive in the cloud. Additionally, EOD uses special cryptographic keys that are very difficult to break.
Electronic document workflow in the company – areas of use
The electronic document flow system is a solution that can be used in many areas. Thanks to this, it is possible, among other things, to streamline the invoice and correspondence circulation process, easily manage vacation requests, accept and settle business trips, as well as plan and control the budget. Document flow in this format significantly improves the efficiency of, among others, accounting, human resources, administration and other departments.
Katarzyna Domagalska
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Marta Klepka
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Marta Klepka
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